- Egypt is the world leading importer of wheat. Kenya being the 25th,, Ethiopia 31st, and Tanzania 43th position in the world importers of wheat ranking[1].
- Kenya imports a lot of maize, making it an ideal market for Zambia, and Tanzania maize exports.
- Burundi has no recorded exports and imports of maize, rice, sorghum, and wheat products.
Market Prices for various commodities in Select Markets and Countries
Exchange Rate for 16 November 2018 at 1US$=Ksh103.51
- The prices of pigeon peas has started increasing the current buying price in Nairobi is Ksh44(0.42)/kg, which is considerably low when compared with the production cost of the commodity, however Kenyan farmers are having to compete against Uganda and Tanzania.
Various Business Partnerships Opportunities
Food for Thought “The eagle has no fear for adversity. We need to be like the eagle and have a fearless spirit of a conqueror!” – JM
[1] United States Department of Agriculture (USDA-FAS)
Author; Fostina Mani, Betta Grains. Fostina.Mani@bettagrains.com, Twitter: @FostinaMani.
Acknowledgment: The data used for the analysis has been obtained from; IAM, Government of Kenya, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries, Government of Tanzania, Ministry of Trade and Industry, EAGC, RATIN, Farm Gain Uganda, Knoema, FEWS NET, Unites States Department of Agriculture, FAS, & Betta Grains.
Disclaimer. Due to unavailable of data on various border points on formal cross-border trade flows and volumes in the public arena. The volumes indicated above are mostly from the informal cross-border data that is available to the public. The purpose of the analysis, is simply to provide an indication of the East Africa Regional Trade flow to SMEs, Smallholder Farmers, and Other Stakeholders in a manner and language that is applicable, simple, and makes sense. Those desiring to obtain actual trade volumes are advised to contact various internationally funded government projects that have been mandated to provide the regional trade data for public good.
©Betta Grains 2018