About Fostina Mani

Global Trade Engagement Director Betta Grains. Founder of Mothers of Africa Mobile Soko (www.mothersofafricamobilesoko.com). Am championing an agricultural markets revolution that favours africa. Am a leading provider of private sector agricutlural market information. Am also facilitating agricultural trade for Africa's farmers, trader especiall women and youth.

We Are Sourcing for Malawi

An International Humanitarian organization has extended to us an opportunity to source the following food items for Malawi;  300MT Fortified Maize Flour, 60MT Beans (Any common variety will do) 18,000 Liters of Vegetable Oil.

Expected Budget for exporting Sugar Beans to South Africa?

So how do I determine the budget for exporting Sugar Beans to South Africa?  Well, we have given you an estimated budget.  You will need to calculate the rest out, or alternative hire a professional trade analyst.  #Kenya #Uganda #Tanzania #Rwanda #Malawi #SouthAfrica #Zambia #sugarbeans #afcfta #agenda2063 #theafricawewant #theafricaiwant

Damn!! Traders are Soo Difficult!

Damn! Traders are so difficult, they will not pick up their calls, and those who do will not respond to RFP! Newsflash!! Traders are woke, nearly all RFP are nothing more than price sourcing or discovery.  Traders focus on the money at hand, not the false hope of potential trade. 

I can export Sugar Beans to South Africa. 

I can export Sugar Beans to South Africa.  After all, how hard can it be?  I just need to ask traders for official quotations.  Then I will figure out the rest as I go?   So you think. #Kenya #Uganda #Tanzania #Rwanda #Malawi #SouthAfrica #Zambia #sugarbeans #afcfta #agenda2063 #theafricawewant #theafricaiwant https://mothersofafricamobilesoko.com/product/sugar-beans-export-to-south-africa/

Clearly South Africa is importing Sugar Beans

Whaa!!! the calls have been many. Clearly South Africa is importing Sugar Beans also know as Kikara or Kakunzu (Kenya) and NAB11(Uganda). But our importers need help. Here!! is to making markets favourable to Africa. #Kenya #Uganda #Tanzania #Rwanda #Malawi #SouthAfrica #Zambia #sugarbeans #afcfta #agenda2063 #theafricawewant #theafricaiwant https://mothersofafricamobilesoko.com/product/sugar-beans-export-to-south-africa/

In Kenya you can sell your maize for more than Ksh4,000/bag.  Where?

Do You Have Maize to Sell? In Kenya you can sell for more than Ksh4,000/bag.  Where?  #wholesale #retail #prices #foodprices #food #priceperbag #priceperlorry #pricepermt #pricepercontainer #price/kg #maizemarket #maizeprofit #womeninagribusiness #bettagrains #fostinamani #afcfta #agenda2063 #theafricawewant #theafricaiwant https://mothersofafricamobilesoko.com/product/most-profitable-maize-markets-in-kenya-today/