In Kenya beans are not just BEANS! Consumers know their bean variety and preference. Our market prices are private sector market prices and are the prices consumers pay. Below are our Grade 2 (non selected and sorted) prices.
Today’s Top 5 Yellow Beans Market Prices.

Yellow Beans (A greenish bean) alias Kathika (Kenya), Soya Njano (Tanzania), Ibishyimbo Byumye by Umuhondo, Colta (Rwanda). Yellow Beans is commonly found in Africa countries, the bean is tasty and does not give gas. While greatly lacking in color when cooked the bean is an increasing great meat supplement in domestic household consumption. Yellow Beans fetches the highest prices. Our prices are; Retail Ksh160($1.24)/kg; Wholesale Price Ksh150($1.16), 90Kg Bag Ksh13,500($104.25).
Kenya Ministry of Agriculture reports 90kgs bag prices of Baringo – Eldama Ravine Ksh14,700($95.86), Marigat Ksh14,800($96.51). Bomet – Kapkwen Ksh10,500($80.78), Chebunyo Ksh10,500($80.78). Bungoma – Town Ksh21,600($140.85), Webuye Ksh15,651($102.06), Kapkwen Ksh13,500($88.03), Busia – Busia Market Ksh14,500($94.55), Elgeyo Marakwet – Iten Ksh13,500($88.03), Embu – Kiritiri Ksh18,000($117.38), Garissa Garissa Soko Mugdi Ksh16,380($106.81), Homa Bay – Ndhiwa Ksh13,500($85.59), Soko Mjinga Ksh13,500($85.59), Mbita Ksh13,150($80.84) Kericho – Chepseon Ksh13,125($88.03), Kirinyaga – Kagio Ksh12,600($82.16), Ngurubani Ksh9,900($76.16), Makutano Ksh12,000($92.31), Kerugoya Ksh16,500($126.93), Kutus Ksh14,000($91.29), Kajiado Ksh17,100($111.51), Kajiado -Illbissil Ksh9,900($64.56), Kiambu – Wangige Ksh14,850($96.84), Kisumu – Ahero Ksh17,100($131.55), Muhoroni Ksh20,750($132.21), Katito Ksh20,250($134.21), Kitui – Mwingi Ksh14,000($91.29), Kabati Ksh12,600($96.93), Kisasi Ksh12,600($82.16), Tseikuru Ksh16,000($104.34), Kalundu Ksh14,000(107.70) Kwale – Samburu Ksh14,850($96.84), Lamu – Mpeketoni Ksh15,750($102.71), Makueni – Email Ksh16,200($105.64), Meru – Maua Ksh12,000($92.31), Nkubu Ksh13,000($100), Migori – Awendo Ksh12,500($96.16), Migori – Rongo Ksh16,000($104.34), Nairobi – Gikomba Ksh13,500($103.85), Kangemi Ksh14,004($91.32), Kawangware Ksh14,400($110.78), Nyamakima Ksh10,300($79.23), Naivasha Ksh16,200($105.64), Nakuru – Naivasha Ksh15,500($101.08), Wakulima Ksh11,250($86.55), Nandi – Kibiok Ksh14,400($110.78), Chepterit Ksh15,000($99.80), Kabiyet Ksh15,300($99.77), Kapsabet Ksh15,300($117.70), Kibiok Ksh19,350($126.18), Serem Ksh15,000($97.82). Nyamira – Ikonge Ksh16,875($129.82), Miruka Ksh13,500($103.85) Nyandarua – Engineer Ksh14,400($93.90), Nyeri – Karatina Ksh15,000($97.82), Othaya Ksh15,500($101.08), Siaya – Aram Ksh14,886($97.07), Taita-Taveta – Mwatate ksh13,500($103.85)Tharaka Nithi – Chuka Ksh13,000($100), Trans Nzoia – Kiminini Ksh18,000($117.38), Kitale Ksh20,250($132.05), Sibanga Ksh14,500($94.55), Uasin Gishu – Cheptiret Ksh9,900($64.56), Eldoret Ksh18,000($117.38), Moi’s Bridge Ksh13,500($88.03), Vihiga Ksh10,800($70.43), Wajir – Soko Mjinga Ksh13,500($103.85). West Pokot Ksh18,000($117.38).
Farmgain reports Uganda wholesale prices/kg at, Owino Ksh153.18($1.06), Kisenyi Ksh149.25($1.03)/kg, Nakawa Ksh157.11($1.08), Arua Ksh168.89($1.16), Kiboga Ksh164.96($1.14), Lira Ksh157.11($1.08), Masindi Ksh164.96($1.14), Mubende Ksh161.04($1.11), Kapchorwa Ksh168.89($1.16), Mbale Ksh157.11($1.08), Gulu Ksh176.75($1.22), Masaka Ksh161.04($1.11), Soroti Ksh168.89($1.16), Iganga Ksh157.11($1.08), Tororo Ksh149.25($1.03), Mbarara ksh176.75($1.22), Kyankwanzi Ksh168.89($1.16), Kamwenge Ksh168.89($1.16), Bugiri Ksh164.96($1.14), Kyenjonjo Ksh161.04($1.11), Kabarole Ksh157.11($1.08), Kyegegwa Ksh157.11($1.08).
Tanzania wholesale price/kg, Dar, Ksh112($0.81), Iringa Ksh92($0.67), Arusha Ksh87($0.63), Mbeya Ksh87($0.63), Songea Ksh95($0.69). Rwanda wholesale price/kg Butare Ksh117($0.91), Gahanga Ksh95($0.73), Gahoromani Ksh95($0.73), Kibuye Ksh114($0.88), Kicukiro Ksh114($0.88), Kimisagara Ksh114($0.88), Muhondo Ksh114($0.88), Ndago Ksh114($0.88), Nyamirambo Ksh111($0.86). Burundi wholesale price/kg, Gitega, Ksh103($0.75), South Sudan, Juba, Ksh250($1.81).
Mwitemani, Sura Baya (Kenya), Lukupa (Zambia), Iris (Zimbabwe), Pinto (USA), Romano (Turkey), is a cream bean with black strips that is very popular for Githeri (cooked mixture of maize and beans). The bean is very popular especially in Western Kenya as it is very tasty and is very popular with individuals with sensitive stomachs. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh110($0.85)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh106($0.82)/kg, Ksh9,500($73.36)/90kg bag.
Kenya Ministry of Agriculture reports 90kgs bag prices of Baringo – Eldama Ravine Ksh9,000($66.79), Eldoret Ksh9,000($66.79), Embu – Town Ksh12,249($90.90), Embu – Kiritiri Ksh12,375($91.84), Kirinyaga – Kagio Ksh12,500($92.76), Kirinyaga – Ngurubani Ksh12,996($96.45), Isiolo Ksh7,400($54.92), Lamu – Mpeketoni Ksh12,600($93.51), Liakipia – Nanyuki Ksh9,500($70.50), Loitoktok Ksh8,000($59.37), Nairobi – Gikomba Ksh8,000($59.37), Nyamakima Ksh10,530($90.17), Kawangware Ksh9,900($73.47), Kangemi Ksh7,200($53.43), Nyamira – Keroka Ksh12,150($90.17), Nyeri – Gakindu Ksh11,997($89.03), Naivasha Ksh13,500($100.19), Nakuru Ksh9,900($68.92), Nandi – Kibiok Ksh12,600($87.71), Kabiyet Ksh22,500($). Kajiado – Iiibissil Ksh9,900($73.47), Kajiado – Kiserian Ksh10,800($80.15), Kisii– Daraja Mbili Ksh7,400($54.92), Kilifi – Malindi Ksh16,200($120.22), Kitale Ksh5,200($38.59), Kitui – Kalundu Ksh15,000($111.34), Kitui – Kisasi Ksh9,000($66.79), Kirinyaga Kutus Ksh11,592($86.03), Kerugoya Ksh13,800($102.41), Kwale – Ukunda Ksh13,500($100.19), Mandera – Elwak Ksh10,260($76.14), Meru – Nkubu Ksh14,000($103.90), Kangeta Ksh5,850($43.41), Maua Ksh6,000($37.11). Migori – Awendo Ksh14,550($107.98), Mombasa Ksh7,420($55.06), Muranga – Kagunduini Ksh10,800($80.15), Siaya – Aram Ksh9,180($68.13), Tharaka Nithi – Kaare Ksh10,000($74.21), Chuka Ksh7,000($51.95). Trans-Nzoia Kitale Ksh7,000($51.95). Other prices/kg include Ethiopia, Addis, Ksh51($0.36).
Rwanda wholesale price/kg; Bubare Ksh94($0.68), Kabuga Ksh131($0.91), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports Nebraska, Wyoming, Ksh88($0.61), North Dakota, Minnesota Ksh3.88($0.027).
Nyayo Beans (Long Red Speckled) alias Nambale, NABE 19, NABE 4, K132 (Uganda), Maluwa (Malawi), Kabanima (Tanzania), Lyambai (Zambia), Royal Bacara (Zimbabwe), Mutiki (Rwanda). Nyayo beans is an all season bean and is the most popular bean variety in restaurants, and small size food vendors. Nyayo bean is highly favored due to it rich red color when cooked with maize, along with it’s rich red stew. The Nyayo beans are mostly imported from Uganda and Tanzania. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh190($1.47)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh180($1.39)/kg, Ksh16,200($125.10)/90kg bag.
Kenya Ministry of Agriculture reports a wholesale price/90kg bag at Baringo– Marigat Ksh8,100($56.41), Baringo – Eldama Ravine Ksh10,800($75.21), Busia – Market Ksh11,160($77.72), Bungoma – Webuye Ksh11,250($78.34), Embu – Kiritiri Ksh12,375($86.18), Embu – Runyenjges Ksh8,703($60.61), Homa Bay – Soko Mjinga Ksh12,600($87.74), Kajiado – Town Ksh15,003($104.48), Kajiado – Kiserian Ksh7,200($50.14), Kajiado-Kitengela Ksh11,502($80.10), Kakamega – Khayega Ksh11,880($82.73), Kericho Ksh13,500($94), Kirinyaga – Kerugoya Ksh14,400($100.28), Kirinyaga – Kutus Ksh11,394($79.35), Kirinyaga – Nguruban Ksh12,501($87.05), Kisumu – Muhoroni Ksh11,700($81.48), Kisii – Mogunga Ksh9,999($69.63), Kisii – Daraja Mbili Ksh6,498($45.25), Kisii – Keumbu Ksh7,497($52.21), Kisumu – Ahero Ksh13,500($94.01), Kitui – Kabati Ksh9,504($66.18), Kitui – Mwingi Ksh11,997($83.54), Kwale – Ukunda Ksh14,400($100.28), Lamu – Mpeketoni Ksh11,925($83.04), Makueni – Kambu Ksh11,997($83.54), Makueni – Nunguni Ksh9,999($69.63), Meru – Nkubu Ksh9,000($62.67), Migori – Awendo Ksh11,997($83.54), Muranga -Kangari Ksh10,998($76.59), Nairobi – Kangemi Ksh10,500($73.12), Nairobi – Kawangware Ksh13,550($94.36), Nairobi – Nyamakima Ksh 11,941($83.15), Nakuru – Town Ksh9,999($69.63), Nandi – Chepterit Ksh9,378($65.31), Nandi – Kabiyet Ksh11,250($81.34), Nandi – Kapsabet Ksh12,600($91.11), Nandi – Kibiok Ksh11,250($81.34), Nandi – Serem Ksh11,250($81.34), Nyamira – Keroka Ksh13,050($94.36), Nyandarua – Kasuku Ksh9,000($65.08), Nyandarua – Soko Mpya Ksh11,601($83.88), Nyeri – Town Ksh9,999($72.30), Nyeri – Karatina Ksh11,997($86.75), Siaya – Aram Ksh9,378($65.31), Tana River – Garsen Ksh8,100($56.41), Tharaka Nithi – Chuka Ksh10,998($76.59), Tharaka Nithi – Kaare Ksh8,001($55.72), Tharaka Nithi- Kathwana Ksh8,001($55.72), Trans Nzoia – Bondeni Ksh8,100($56.41), Trans Nzoia – Kimininini Ksh11,250($78.34), Trans Nzoia – Kitale Ksh10,950($76.25), Uasin Gishu Ksh9,000($62.67), Uasin Gishu – Eldoret Ksh14,315($99.69), Uasin Gishu – Mois Bride Ksh9,000($62.67), Vihiga Ksh10,155($70.72), West Pokot – Makutano Ksh12,600($87.74).
Farmgain Africa reports wholesale prices/kg, Owino Ksh149.25($1.03), Kisenyi Ksh149.25($1.03), Nakawa, Ksh157($1.08), Kalerwe Ksh157.11($1.08), Arua Ksh164.96($1.14), Kabale Ksh149.25($1.03), Kiboga Ksh157.11($1.08), Lira, Ksh137.47($0.95), Masindi Ksh149.25($1.03), Mubende Ksh157,11($1.08), Kapchorwa Ksh149.25($1.03), Mbale Ksh145.33($1.0), Gulu Ksh168.89($1.16), Masaka Ksh149.25($1.03), Soroti Ksh164.96($1.14), Iganga ksh149.25($1.03), Tororo Ksh149.25($1.03), Mbarara Ksh164.96($1.14), Kyankwanzi Ksh157.11($1.08), Kamwenge Ksh157.11($1.08), Bugiri Ksh157.11($1.08), Kyenjonjo Ksh149.25($1.03), Kabarole Ksh149.25($1.03), Kyegegwa Ksh157.11($1.08), Rukiga Ksh161.04($1.11).
Rwanda wholesale price/kg, Batsinda Ksh155.7($1.05), Busasamana Ksh178($1.24), Bushenge Ksh169.90($1.15), Butare ksh190($1,29), Gikongoro Ksh169.9($1.15), Intunga Ksh172($1.20), Kabaya Ksh169.9($1,15), Kibuye Ksh173.91($1.18), Kibungo Ksh157($1.10), Kimironko Ksh175.97($1.18), Kirambo Ksh169.9($1.15), Muhanga Ksh157.77($1.07), Muhondo Ksh157.77($1.07), Mulindi Ksh169.90($1.15), Ndago Ksh169.90($1.15), Nyagatare Ksh169.90($1,15), Nyarugenge ksh194.17($1.31). Burundi, Ngozi Ksh76($0.53), DRC, Kolwezi, Ksh138($0.96). Rwanda, Kimironko, Ksh80($0.56), Tanzania, Dar Ksh89($0.64), Mbeya, Ksh59($0.43). South Sudan wholesale price/kg Juba, Ksh254($1.77). Ethiopia; Addis, Ksh97($0.68)/kg.
Saitoti Beans (medium, red mottled) alias NABE-17 (Uganda), Lyambai (Zambia), Napilira (Malawi) Bilfa Uyole (Tanzania); Very popular with hotels and restaurants, and a favorite in household consumption. Saitoti bean shares similar features with Nyayo beans however it is characterized by being shorter Nyayo bean. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh190($1.47)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh180($1.39)/kg, Ksh16,200($125.10)/90kg bag.
Ministry of Agriculture reports a wholesale price/90kg bag at Baringo- Marigat Ksh8,100($56.41), Busia Ksh11,160($77.72), Embu Kiritiri Ksh12,375($86.18), Kajiado – Kitengela Kh11,502($80), Kisumu – Muhoroni Ksh11,700($81.48), Kwale- Ukunda Ksh14,400($100), Migori – Awendo Ksh11,997($83.54).
Farmgain Africa reports wholesale prices/kg, Owino Ksh149.25($1.03), Kisenyi Ksh149.25($1.03), Nakawa, Ksh157.11($1.08), Kalerwe Ksh157.11($1.08), Arua Ksh164.96($1.14), Kabale Ksh157.11($1.08), Kiboga Ksh157.11($1.08), Lira, Ksh137.47($0.95), Masindi Ksh157.11($1.08), Mubende Ksh157,11($1.08), Kapchorwa Ksh149.25($1.03), Mbale Ksh145.25($1.03), Gulu Ksh164.96($1.14), Masaka Ksh157.11($1.08), Soroti Ksh157.11($1.08), Iganga ksh149.25($1.03), Tororo Ksh149.25($1.03), Mbarara Ksh164.96($1.14), Kyankwanzi Ksh157.11($1.08), Kamwenge Ksh157.11($1.08), Bugiri Ksh157.11($1.08), Kyenjonjo Ksh149.25($1.03), Kabarole Ksh149.25($1.03), Kyegegwa Ksh149.25($1.03), Rukiga Ksh168.89($1.16).
Malawi AHCX reports price/kg at; Ksh109($0.76). Rwanda reports price/kg at Busasamana Ksh171($1.19), Gisenyi Ksh158($1.10), Kabarondo Ksh145($1.01), Karenge Ksh170($1.19), Kibungo Ksh151($1.05), Kimironko Ksh171($1.19), Mulindi Ksh132($0.92).
Rosecoco Beans (Pink or Brown Red Speckled /Cranberry Beans) alias Kayewa (Uganda) Kabulanketi (Tanzania); Popular in restaurant and household consumption, as it does not give gas. The bean has similar features to Saitoti, but is pinkish in color. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh190($1.47)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh180($1.39)/kg, Ksh16,200($125.10)/90kg bag.
Kenya Ministry of Agriculture reports a 90kg Bag at Baringo – Marigat Ksh8,100($56.41), Baringo – Eldama Ravine Ksh8,001($55.72), Bungoma – Town Ksh11,250($78.34), Bungoma Kimilili Ksh7,200($50.14), Bungoma – Chwele Ksh11,196($77.97), Bungoma – Webuye Ksh11,250($78.34) Elgeyo Marakwete, Ksh6,000($41.78), Embu – Kirirtiri Ksh12,375($86.18), Garissa Ksh15,480($107.80), Homa Bay – Mbita Ksh11,736($81.73), Isiolo, Ksh8,500($59.19)/kg, Kajiado – Kitengela Ksh11,502($83.18), Kajiado – Kiserian Ksh7,200($52.08), Kakamega- Khayega Ksh12,600($91.14), Kericho – Town Ksh9,900($71.61), Kirinyaga – Kagio ksh12,249($88.60), Kirinyaga – Kerugoya Ksh14,004($97.52), Kisii – Daraja Mbili Ksh6,701($48.47), Kisii – Keumbu Ksh9,378($67.83), Kisumu – Ahero Ksh12,150($87.88), Kisumu – Holo Ksh15,570($112.62), Kisumu – Katito Ksh11,250($81.37), Kisumu – Muhoroni Ksh11,700($84.63), Kwale – Ukunda Ksh13,1500($97.65), Mandera – Elwak Ksh10,800($78.12), Meru – Kangeta Ksh12,600($91.14), Meru – Nkubu Ksh12,501($90.42), Migori – Awendo Ksh11,997($86.78), Migori – Rongo Ksh10,710($77.40), Migori – Wath Onger Ksh9,000($65.10), Nairobi – Kangemei Ksh12,600($91.14), Nairobi – Kawangware Ksh14,400($100.28), Nairobi – Nyamakima Ksh12,701 ($91.87), Nakuru Ksh12,600($87.74, Nandi – Chepterit Ksh9,378($67.83), Nandi – Kibiok Ksh12,600($91.14), Nandi – Kapsabet Ksh13,050($94.39), Nandi – Serem Ksh11,250($81.37), Nyandarua – Soko Mpya Ksh10,998($79.55), Nyamira – Keroka Ksh14,499($100.97), Nyeri – Town Ksh9,999($79.55), Siaya – Aram Ksh10,386($72.33), Siaya – Bondo Ksh12,501($90.42), Tharaka Nithi – Kathwana Ksh9,000($65.10), Migori, Ksh8,290($59.96), Mombasa, Ksh7,800($56.42), Taveta, Ksh6,300($45.57), Trans Nzoia – Bondeni Ksh9,900($72.20), Trans Nzoia – Kitale Ksh11,250($78.34), Trans Nzoia – Kiminini Ksh11,250($78.34), Uasin Gishu – Cheptiret Ksh9,000($62.67), Vihiga – Cheptulu Ksh12,330($85.86), West Pokot – Ortum Ksh7,920($55.15), West Pokot – Makuntano Ksh8,280($57.66).
Farmgain reports price per Kg, Uganda; Owino, Kisenyi, Masaka Ksh85($0.59), and Mubende, Ksh53.13($0.37)/kg, Nakawa, and Kabale Ksh87.60($0.61). Tanzania wholesale price/kg, Dar Ksh96.77($0.67)/kg.
Wairimu Bean (Long Red beans); alias Uyole 96 (Tanzania), Red Wollayta (Ethiopia), Red Haricot, Kinyobwa (Rwanda), Famous of its rich red color in Githeri (cooked mixture of maize and beans) and Madondo (beans stew). The Wairimu beans are mostly imported from Uganda and Tanzania. There are two Wairimu beans variety the shinny polished variety popularly know as Wairimu (ordinary) variety is currently selling at Retail Ksh170($1.31)/kg; Wholesale Price Ksh160($1.24)/kg; 90Kg Bag Ksh14,400($111.20). Wairimu Royal; Ibishyimbo – Mushingiriro (Rwanda) is currently selling at Retail Price Ksh180($1.39)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh170($1.31)/kg, Ksh15,300($118.15)/90kg bag.
Kenya Ministry of Agriculture reports wholesale price per 90kg bag, Baringo – Marigat Ksh6,300($43.86), Busia – Town Ksh9,720($67.66), Embu – Town Ksh9,504($66.16), Embu – Kiritiri Ksh13,500($93.98), Kajiado – Kiserian Ksh7,200($50.12), Kajiado – Kitengela Ksh8,496($59.14), Kakamega – Khayega Ksh10,800($75.18), Kirinyaga – Kagio Ksh10,800($75.18), Kirinyaga – Kerugoya Ksh14,004($97.49), Kirinyaga – Kutus Ksh9,504($66.16), Kirinyaga – Ngurubani Ksh10,751($74.84), Kisii – Daraja Mbili Ksh5,598($38.97), Kisii – Mogunga Ksh9,000($62.65), Meru – Maua Ksh14,004($97.49), Migori – Awendo Ksh11,997($83.52), Nairobi – Kangemi – Ksh9,270($64.53), Nairobi – Kawangware Ksh12,699($88.40), Nairobi – Nyamakima Ksh10,300($71.70), Nakuru – Town Ksh8,251($57.44), Nandi – Kibiok Ksh12,150($84.58), Nyandarua – Ol Kalou Ksh9,603($66.85), Siaya – Aram Ksh8,865($61.71), West Pokot Ortum Ksh6,480($45.11), Trans Nzoia – Kiminini Ksh11,250($78.32), Trans Nzoia – Kitale Ksh11,250($78.32), West Pokot – Lomut Ksh12,420($86.46).
Rwanda wholesale price/kg, Base Ksh95($0.73), Butare Ksh95($0.73), Gacurabwenge Ksh95($0.73), Gahoromani, Ksh95($0.73), Kamembe Ksh95($0.73), Kibungo Ksh90($0.70), Kibuye Ksh104($0.81), Kicukiro Ksh114($0.88), Kirambo Ksh80($0.62), Mulindi Ksh85($0.66), Muhondo Ksh104($0.81), Ndago Ksh95($0.73), Nyagahinga Ksh98($0.76), Nyamirambo Ksh95($0.73). Burundi, Gitega, Ksh63($0.44)/kg, Uganda wholesale price/kg, Lira and Kasese, Ksh89($0.62)/kg, Tanzania, Iringa, Ksh86.16($0.60). AHCX reports price/kg, Malawi, Lilongwe, Ksh89($0.62). South Sudan wholesale price/kg, Juba Ksh223($1.55)/kg, DRC wholesale price/kg, Kolwezi, Ksh137.90$0.96). United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports Colorado, Nebraska Ksh4.31($0.03).
Kikara/Kakunzu, Sugar Bean – (Kenya), Kholophethe, Nyati Red (Malawi), Golden Starlite (Zimbabwe), Masavu/NABE11 (Uganda), Ibishyimbo – Injyamane, Kiryumukwe, Sukala (Rwanda) is a white/cream maroon stripped bean often mistaken for Mwitemani. Sugar beans are imported from Uganda into the Kenyan market. Our prices are Retail Ksh150($1.16/kg; Wholesale Price Ksh140($1.08), 90Kg Bag Ksh12,600($97.30).
Other markets retail prices/kg include; Nairobi – Nyamakima Ksh180($1.33). Uganda, Owino Ksh81.70($0.61), Kisenya Ksh78.14($0.58), Nakawa Ksh88.80($0.66), Kalerwe Ksh88.80($0.66), Arua Ksh88.80($0.66), Lira Ksh78.14($0.58), Masindi Ksh71($0.53), Mubade Ksh63.94($0.47), Kapchorwa Ksh81.70($0.61), Mbale Ksh85.25($0.63), Masaka Ksh99.46($0.74), Tororo Ksh88.80($0.66), Igaga Ksh95.90($0.71), Kyankwanzi Ksh71.04($0.53). Rwanda, Gacurabwenge Ksh104($0.81), Gahoromani Ksh95($0.73), Kamembe Ksh104($0.81), Kicukiro Ksh123($0.95), Matimba Ksh90($0.70), Muhondo Ksh104($0.81), Mulindi Ksh95($0.73), Nyagahinga Ksh104($0.81), Nyagatare Ksh114($0.88), Nyamirambo Ksh109($0.84). Zambia wholesale price/kg, Lusaka Ksh162.05($1.20)/kg, Copperbelt Ksh132($0.98), Lusaka – Solowezi Ksh178($1.32).
Mwezi-Moja; alias Kabulangeti (Zambia) is a purple bean, and as the names (one month in swahili) indicates the bean matures very quickly. Mwezi-Moja is popular for fresh maize Githeri (cooked mixture of maize and beans) and Madondo (beans stew) as it takes a shorter time to cook in comparison to other beans. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh130($1.00)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh120($0.93)/kg, Ksh10,800($83.40)/90kg.
Kenya Ministry of Agriculture reports price/90kg Bag at, Bugoma – Webuye Ksh12,600($82.16), Uasin Gishu – Eldoret Ksh9,000($58.69), Embu – Kiritiri Ksh12,375($80.70), Embu – Town Ksh9,999($65.20), Garissa Ksh11,160($72.77), Kajiado – Town Ksh11,997($78.23), Kajiado – Kiserian Ksh9,000($58.69), Kericho Ksh10,350 ($67.49), Kirinyaga – Kerugoya Ksh14,400($93.90), Kitui – Town Ksh8,100($52.82)/kg, Kisii – Daraja Mbili Ksh5,202($33.92), Kisumu – Ahero Ksh12,150($79.23), Kisumu – Muhoroni Ksh12,600($82.16), Kisumu – Katito Ksh11,250($73.36), Lamu – Mpeketoni Ksh11,925($77.76), Meru – Nkubu Ksh14,004($91.32), Migori – Awendo Ksh11,997 ($78.23), Nairobi – Kangemi Ksh14,004($91.32), Nandi – Kibiok Ksh11,250($73.36), Nandi – Kabiyet Ksh11,250($73.36), Nandi – Kapsebet Ksh9,900($64.56), Nakuru Ksh6,300($41.08), Nairobi – Nyamakima Ksh13,500($88.03), Nyamira – Kebirigo Ksh12,402 ($80.87), Nyandarua – Kasuku Ksh9,900($64.56), Nyeri – Town Ksh11,997($78.23), Siaya – Aram Ksh8,793($57.34), Siaya – Bondo Ksh11,997($78.23), Taveta Ksh7,000($45.65), Tharaka Nithi – Chuka Ksh12,501($81.52), Trans Nzoia – Bondeni Ksh8,100($52.82), Trans Nzoia – Kiminini Ksh12,150($79.23), Uasin Gishu – Eldoret Ksh15,750($102.71), Uasin – Gishu Langas Ksh10,800($70.43), Vihiga – Kilingili Ksh14,004($91.32).
Rwanda wholesale price/kg Kigeme Ksh102($0.82), Karongi Ksh106($0.86).
White Butter Beans popularly know as Noe White in Kenya. Butter beans are grown in Kenya in Nanyuki, and some parts of Kitui. Butter beans are not grown much because they are crawling beans that decrease other crop yield when intercropped. Butter Beans varieties are white, brown, purple or black bean, that is popular for bean stew, it takes a shorter time to cook in comparison to other beans. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh300($2.32)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh280($2.16)/kg, Ksh28,000($216.22)/100kg bag.
Black Butter Beans popularly know as Noe Black in Kenya. Butter beans are grown in Kenya in Nanyuki, and some parts of Kitui. Butter beans are not grown much because they are crawling beans that decrease other crop yield when inter-cropped. Black Noe is increasing becoming very popular because it is tasty and lacks of an after taste in comparison to the white noe. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh300($2.32)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh280($2.16)/kg, Ksh28,000($216.22)/100kg bag.
Red Speckled Butter Beans popularly know as Speckled Noe Black in Kenya. The speckles on this variety of butter beans gives it a beautiful and interesting pattern, which is maintained even after the bean is fully cooked. Speckled butter beans are as tasty as they look. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh300($2.32)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh280($2.16)/kg, Ksh28,000($216.22)/100kg bag.
Njugu Mawe (Swahili), Tsimbade (Luyha), Monkey Nut, Bambara Nut, Okpa (Igbo), Epa-Roro (Yoruba). While a nut, it is regarded as not to be a nut but a legume, and is rich in protein. Njugu Mawe is a traditional healthy food, that is highly nutritious often cooked with maize (both fresh, dry, or dehusked maize). Health benefits include reducation of anaemia, as it boost the blood cell production. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh300($2.32)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh280($2.16)/kg, Ksh28,000($216.22)/100kg bag. The Kenya Ministry of Agriculture reports wholesale price/kg at Siaya Ksh167($1.35).
Gachuma/Kachuma Bean (Kenya), alias; Naser (Ethiopia), Ibishyimbo – Mugeri, (Rwanda); Very similar to Kituru/Gituru bean but is small round deep red kidney bean its small size and polished look sets it apart. This bean is season and may not be available all the time like the Nyayo bean. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh175($1.35)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh170($1.31)/kg, Ksh15,300($118.15)/90kg bag.
Rwanda wholesale price/kg, Base Ksh95($0.73), Butare Ksh84($0.65)/kg, Gacurabwenge Ksh95($95), Gahanga Ksh85($0.66), Gahoromani Ksh85($0.66), Gisenyi Ksh95($0.73), Kamembe Ksh80($0.62), Kibungo Ksh90($0.70), Kibuye Ksh104($0.81), Kicukiro Ksh95($0.73), Muhondo Ksh95($0.73), Mulindi Ksh95($0.66), Ndago Ksh95($0.73), Nyagatare ksh95($0.73). Nyagatare Ksh95($0.73).
Tanzania wholesale price/kg, Arusha Ksh87($0.69), Dar Ksh89($0.71), Dodoma Ksh90($0.72), Songea Ksh82($0.65), Mbeya Ksh63($0.50. South Sudan wholesale price/kg Juba, Ksh227($1.81), DRC, Uvira Likasi , Ksh105($0.84)/kg. Other Markets reports, Turkey Ksh217($1.73)/kg, Ethiopia, Addis, Ksh58($0.46)/kg. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports Washington, Idaho, Ksh2.5($0.02), Michigan, Ksh3.77($0.03).
Katiligi (Kenya), NABE9C/NABE12C (Uganda) White or light speckled kidney bean. The speckles are purple in color. The bean is highly seasonal and rear in Kenya, but a popular with those who have tried it, as its rather delicious and is not gassy. Our prices are Retail Price Ksh180($1.21)/kg, Wholesale Price Ksh170($1.15)/kg, Ksh15,300($118.15)/90kg bag. Other markets retail prices/kg include; Nairobi – Nyamakima Ksh165($1.27).
Gituru alias; Kituru or Canadian Wonder Bean (Kenya), Urafiki (Tanzania); Sapatsika (Malawi), Ibishyimbo Ibinyarwanda – Rwanda bean, Rushya, Shyushya (Rwanda) Deep Red, Shiny long kidney bean, often mistaken for Wairimu Royal; however it’s distinct tastes, long size and polished look sets it apart. Our prices are Retail Ksh150($1.16/kg; Wholesale Price Ksh140($1.08), 90Kg Bag Ksh12,600($97.30).
Kenya Ministry of Agriculture reports a price/90kg bag, at Migori – Awendo, Ksh12,960($96.18), Nairobi – Kangemi Ksh9,900($73.47), Nandi – Kibiok Ksh27,00($200.37), Nakuru – Wakulima Ksh10,800($80.15) Siaya – Aram Ksh11,413 ($84.70), Kakamega – Khayega Ksh14,250($105.75), Kirinyaga – Kutus Ksh10,800($80.15), Kagio Ksh3,600($26.72), Kitale, Ksh5,200($38.59), Taveta, Ksh8,100($60.11), Muranga – Kiria-ini Ksh13,500($100.19), Tharaka Nithi – Chuka Ksh10,000($74.21), Turkana – Lokichar Ksh10,800($80.15).
Rwanda, Base Ksh95($0.73), Gacurabwenge Ksh95($0.73), Gahanga Ksh95($0.73), Gahoromani Ksh90($0.70), Gisenyi Ksh95($0.73), Kamembe ksh85($0.66), Kibungo Ksh95($0.73), Kibuye Ksh104($0.81), Kicukiro Ksh104($0.81), Kimisagara Ksh104($0.81), Matimba Ksh85($0.66), Muhondo Ksh95($0.73), Mulindi Ksh95($0.73), Ndago Ksh95($0.73), Nyagatare ksh114($0.88), Nyamirambo Ksh99($0.77).
South Sudan wholesale price/kg Juba, Ksh227($1.81). DRC wholesale price/kg Uvira Likasi , Ksh89($0.71)/kg. Tanzania, Arusha Ksh90($0.72)/kg. Other Markets reports, Turkey Ksh217($1.73)/kg, Ethiopia, Addis, Ksh58($0.46)/kg. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota Ksh3.77($0.03).
White Breakfast Beans alias Nyiragatare, Amabenga (Rwanda). You don’t have to settle for the canned stuff especially if you are concerned about preservatives. We have white beans you can buy at a low prices, boil and store in your freezer for affordable and economic delicious breakfast. Our prices are Retail Ksh175($1.35)/kg; Wholesale Price Ksh170($1.31), 90Kg Bag Ksh15,300($118.15). Rwanda, Kigali Ksh185($1.43).
Green Beans alias Army Beans, Nyama Nyama (Kenya), are have a jungle or very dark green color, A new variety recently introduced in the Eastern Africa market from Rwanda. The beans do not give gas and are absolutely delicious. When fully cooked, the beans have a light brown color, and they do tend to cook rather quickly in comparison to the other beans. Our prices are Retail Ksh200($1.54)/kg; Wholesale Price Ksh180($1.39), 90Kg Bag Ksh16,200($125.10).
Soya Beans are not a fast moving item for domestic consumption in many homes. We therefore do not stock the product at our retail outlets. If you are looking to buy or sell large volumes. Kindly get email
Farmgain Africa reports wholesale prices/kg, Owino Ksh66.77($0.50), Kisenyi Ksh58.92($0.44), Nakawa, Ksh70.70($0.53), Kalerwe Ksh70.70($0.53), Arua Ksh58.92($0.44), Kiboga Ksh78.55($0.59), Lira, Ksh62.84($0.47), Masindi Ksh62.84($0.47), Mubende Ksh78.55($0.59), Kapchorwa Ksh90.34($0.68), Mbale Ksh70.70($0.53), Gulu Ksh70.70($0.53), Masaka Ksh78.55($0.59), Soroti Ksh109.98($0.82), Iganga ksh60.88($0.46), Tororo Ksh70.70($0.53), Mbarara Ksh86.41($0.65), Kyankwanzi Ksh86.41($0.65), Kamwenge Ksh90.34($0.68), Bugiri Ksh58.92($0.44), Kyenjonjo Ksh70.70($0.53), Kabarole Ksh66.77($0.50), Kyegegwa Ksh70.70($0.53).