Kenya is Not a Huge Consumer of Black Kidney Beans.
Kenya is Not a Huge Consumer. Who is? #Tanzania #Dar #kenya #blackbeans #beans #wholesale #retail #prices #afcfta #agenda2063 #theafricawewant #theafricaiwant
Kenya is Not a Huge Consumer. Who is? #Tanzania #Dar #kenya #blackbeans #beans #wholesale #retail #prices #afcfta #agenda2063 #theafricawewant #theafricaiwant
Is it You?!! After a very successful South Africa – Sugar Beans campaign, Tanzania has asked us to find buyers for their Black Kidney Beans. #Tanzania #Dar #wholesale #retail #prices #afcfta #agenda2063 #theafricawewant #theafricaiwant
There is a huge shortage of Yellow Beans in most Kenyan Markets. Yellow beans are also known as Kathika (Kenya – Kamba), Soya Njano (Tanzania), Colta (Rwanda). Do you have some to sell? #Kenya, #Uganda, #Tanzania, #Rwanda, #Malawi, #SouthAfrica, #Zambia, #yellowbeans , #afcfta, #agenda2063, #theafricawewant, #theafricaiwant.
Why Should I Get The Report? We have removed the guess work of where to sell the maize, by providing you with a list of large buyers. We have calculated for you the profit margins for 28MTs of maize in the most profitable counties. As well as listed the … Continue reading
The beauty and accuracy of Africa’s dry agricultural trade lies within the tales of many African women cereal traders and not within the global summits and international conferences. I have had the privilege of sitting in both, and truth be told the level of disconnect between the development agenda and … Continue reading
The Week’s Market Analysis The price of Dolichos has drastically increased because of the commodity’s shortage in Tanzania, caused by delayed rainfall in the East Africa Region. Nairobi is currently experiencing a huge shortage of Dolichos, coupled with increasingly high wholesale prices of the commodity. The price of Green Grams … Continue reading
Egypt is the world leading importer of wheat. Kenya being the 25th,, Ethiopia 31st, and Tanzania 43th position in the world importers of wheat ranking[1]. Kenya imports a lot of maize, making it an ideal market for Zambia, and Tanzania maize exports. Burundi has no recorded exports and imports of … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 31 August 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis The recorded trade volumes for the week ending 31 August 2018, continued to indicate significantly low trade volumes according to EAGC’s RATIN. Eldoret, Kenya offered the best market prices for … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 24 August 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis The price of rice in Nairobi dropped by Ksh10(0.09)$/kg to Ksh141($1.40)/kg during the week ending 24 August 2018. There was a huge reduction of beans export from Uganda to Kenya (478MT) … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 17 August 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis Unusually large volumes of maize bran was exported from DRC (2,604MT) to Rwanda, the week ending August 17, 2018. There was a drastic reduction in the maize and beans … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 3 August 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis Price of beans continues to drastically fall, yellow beans reached record low of Ksh71($0.70)/kg in Nairobi, Kenya. Yellow beans normally sell at Ksh90($0.89)/kg in Nairobi. The price of green grams have … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 27 July 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis There was a drastic reduction in the number of beans exported from Uganda to Kenya, this is mostly due to reduced beans sales as there is plenty of food in Kenya, … Continue reading
The Week’s Market Analysis Kenya continues to import a lot of maize and beans from Uganda, despite reports of the country having a lot of food. The price of beans has drastically fallen, with yellow beans retailing at a record low Ksh78($0.77)/kg. Most farmers are holding on to their crops … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 13 July 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis Lubumbashi, DRC, had the highest wholesale prices of red beans Ksh251($2.50)/kg, and groundnuts Ksh263($2.62)/kg. There was a drastic reduction of trade volumes exported from Uganda to Kenya, and Uganda to Rwanda. … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 6 July 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis The week’s unusual trade flow was Zambia exported a lot of groundnuts (263.4MT) to DRC through Kasumbalesa border. Zambia also continued exporting a lot more maize meal (337.5MT) to DRC. Rwanda … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 29 June 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis Kenya continued importing maize (3,706.72MT) from Uganda, an increase in comparison to the previous weeks (2,835.42MT). Kenya currently has a lot of maize which has caused the price of maize to … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 22nd June 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis Kenya imported a lot of maize from Uganda, the maize was mostly destined for Mombasa, Kenya. The millers are taking advantage of the low prices in Uganda to stock up for … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 15 June 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis There was no recorded trade exports of rice, groundnuts, sorghum, and beans from Tanzania to Uganda. The price of Nyayo, Wairimu, cowpeas, and green grams in Nairobi continues to decline as … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 8 June 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis Unusual trade flows during the week was Uganda Yellow beans export to DRC (1,028.98MT). The Week’s Market Prices for Select Markets Table 1- Market Prices for Select Markets in the East … Continue reading
Figure 1 East Africa Regional Grain Trade Flow for the Week Ending 1st June 2018 The Week’s Market Analysis The price of beans drastically fell in Kampala. According to Farmgain Africa the beans market price dropped to its lowest in the last 5 years. The price of pigeon peas and … Continue reading